Publish date Title Summary Publication type
Annual Assurance Summary 2015-16 The Annual Assurance Summary highlights Victorian emergency management incidents of note and significant assurance activities undertaken during 2015–16 to provide a high-level picture of sector performance, risks and progress against Victoria's emergency management reform agenda. Monitoring report
Annual Progress Report - Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan 2015–18 (May 2016) The Emergency Management Act 2013 (the Act) requires the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) to monitor and report to the Minister for Emergency Services on the implementation of the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (the SAP). Monitoring report
Lancefield-Cobaw Fire - Progress Report - June 2016 IGEM’s second report on DELWP’s implementation of recommendations and commitments in response to the Lancefield-Cobaw Fire. Monitoring report
Review of the initial response to the 2015 Wye River - Jamieson Track fire On 19 December 2015, two bushfires were ignited by lightning strikes in Victoria’s Barwon Otway area. Evaluation, review and investigation report
Review of community recovery following the 2013-14 Victorian bushfires Community recovery following the 2013–14 Victorian bushfires is a system-wide review identified in the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s (IGEM) 2015 Annual Forward Plan of Reviews, and is conducted under section 64(1)(b) of the Emergency Management Act 2013.

Evaluation, review and investigation report
Lancefield-Cobaw Fire - Interim Progress Report - February 2016 IGEM’s first interim progress report of the implementation of recommendations and commitments following the 2015 Lancefield-Cobaw Fire investigation. Monitoring report
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2016 The Annual Forward Plan of Reviews has been developed in consultation with the emergency management sector and focuses on strategic, emergency management-related systemic issues of significance to all Victorians. Corporate / strategic publication
Department of Justice and Regulation - Annual Report 2014-15 An overview of the Inspector-General for Emergency Management's activities is provided in the Department of Justice and Regulation - Annual Report 2014-15. Corporate / strategic publication
Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission - 2015 Progress Report This is the first progress report prepared by the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) on the implementation progress of the recommendations and associated actions from the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. Monitoring report
Monitoring and Assurance Framework for Emergency Management The overarching assurance framework for Victoria's emergency management sector. Corporate / strategic publication