Climate change modelling indicates that as Victoria becomes drier and warmer, weather-related hazards are likely to occur more often and potentially be more severe.

Examples of such hazards include heatwaves, severe winds, storms, maximum temperature thresholds and concurrent and/or compounding events.

Victoria’s Climate Change Act 2017 sets a target of net-zero emissions by 2050 and provides a clear signal to all sectors of the Victorian economy regarding the need for significant and sustained action to reduce emissions.

All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2024 Gender, Climate and Environmental Justice in Australia (External link) The report summarises what we know about the gendered impacts of climate and environmental issues and explains why gender diverse leadership is critical to solving these challenges, before ending with a series of key recommendations focused upon: leadership and decision-making; policy-making; finance and investment; the gendered nature of disasters; international commitments; diverse voices and sectors; and a clean and caring economy. Independent
2024 Governance of climate change commitments (External link) An assurance audit on the effectiveness of DCCEEW’s governance arrangements supporting the implementation of the Australian Government’s climate change commitments, including its arrangements to assess and measure implementation, coordination, risk management, and performance. Australian National Audit Office
2024 Independent Review of the Australian Climate Service - Final Report (External link) A performance evaluation of the Australian Climate Service (ACS) and its suitability to meet Australia's current and future climate information needs found there is an urgent and rapidly growing demand for climate and disaster risk information. The final report makes 11 recommendations including transferring responsibility for emergency management support functions from the ACS to the National Emergency Management Agency. Australian Government
2024 A strong community sector for a safe climate (External link) An exploration of how community organisations are responding to climate change, and they need to ramp up that response to continue meeting the needs of their communities. Victorian Council of Social Service
2024 Giving Victorians a voice on climate change (External link) A report that provides lived experiences of those who don’t often get a say on decisions around climate change. Contributions include people across the state who have been impacted by disasters – or witnessed others seeking help after disasters. Victorian Council of Social Service
2024 Australian local government climate review 2024 (External link) This review aims to support all Australian council and community stakeholders to better understand local government climate change targets, actions, strategies and policies. It assesses actions councils are undertaking and the barriers and opportunities facing councils and their communities. Independent
2024  Young people and extreme weather (External link)  One in 10 young people in Australia were impacted by an extreme weather event in 2023. Recommendations include engaging young people in the development of future disaster recovery strategies, planning and implementation; ensuring access to housing and financial supports; and increasing mental health support for impacted communities.  Independent
2024 Weathering the storm: adapting Victoria's infrastructure to climate change (External link) Victoria's infrastructure, like roads and powerlines, was not built for more frequent and extreme weather, so is exposed to greater damage from wild storms, bushfires and floods. This report makes 7 recommendations aimed to help the Victorian Government to better assess and prepare infrastructure for the impacts of climate change. Victorian Government
2024 Victoria's climate science report 2024 (External link) A summary of the best available scientific evidence on the climate for the state, this report provides summaries and resources to be used by Victorian decision-makers across businesses, the community and government, to improve research, risk assessments and planning for climate resilience. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
2023 Economic Impacts from Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge in Victoria, Australia over the 21st century (External link) A documentation of the economic challenges that Victoria’s coastal communities will face from sea level rise and related storm surges, its recommendations include establishment of an independent taskforce to develop and promote a vision and operational blueprint to guide Victoria’s response to rising sea levels and related storm surge Academia