2023 |
Victoria Police Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022-2025 (External link)
A strategy that provides a framework for Victoria Police’s counter terrorism activities centered on the core focus areas of Prevention, Protection, Disruption and Response; identifies the key terrorist-related threats and how Victoria Police intends to address these over the next 4 years; and increases awareness and transparency of Victoria Police’s counter terrorism activities and priorities. |
Victoria Police |
2022 |
Inspection Report by the Victorian Inspectorate on Victoria Police records inspected in February 2021 (External link)
This report presents the results of an inspection conducted by the Victorian Inspectorate of Victoria Police records under the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003. The Inspectorate provides independent oversight of Police powers by conducting six-monthly inspections (where operational records are available) and reporting to Parliament as well as the Attorney General. The report makes four findings of non-compliance, and five recommendations. |
Independent |
2022 |
Inquiry into extremism in Victoria (External link)
An investigation into the rise of far-right extremist movements in Victoria, it found that the government has an important role to play in combating extremism and that more work is required to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem posed by extremism in Victoria and further ways to counter it. |
Parliament of Victoria |
2022 |
Counterterrorism Yearbook 2022 (External link)
A report on trends in terrorism, pre-crime policing and extremism, radicalisation of teenagers, strategic competition and counter-terrorism, public trust, multiculturalism, and bioterrorism and resilience. The authors analyse how different forms of terrorism affect Australia and the global community and offer practical policy solutions for the Australian Government. |
Australian Strategic Policy Institute |
2021 |
Counterterrorism Yearbook 2021 (External link)
The yearbook provides an overview of current trends and the terrorism landscape in Australia, and an analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on terrorist threats globally. Trends include the impact of social media and technology on terrorist events and radicalisation, and a nexus between terrorism and organised crime. The yearbook outlines strong examples of prevention and strategies to counter violent extremism and provides governments and counterterrorism practitioners with contemporary analysis of current and emerging challenges and offers key policy recommendations to combat radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism in all its forms. |
Australian Strategic Policy Institute |
2021 |
Review of the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 Stage Two Report (External link)
Stage Two review of the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003, it presents findings into Chapters 2-6 covering the ongoing need for the Act, the sunset and review clauses contained, safeguards to and oversight of the powers (including those related to children and other vulnerable persons), and proposals to support Victoria Police’s operational effectiveness in using powers granted by the Act. |
Department of Justice and Regulation |
2020 |
Review of the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 Stage One Report (External link)
A review of the Act to inform government decisions on its sunset clause, which would see the Act expire on 1 December 2021 (unless extended through legislative amendment), agencies with statutory obligations or a significant role under the Act were invited to give feedback on the operation of the Act and suggest issues to be explored in Stage Two. |
Department of Justice and Regulation |
2017 |
Expert panel on terrorism and violent extremism prevention and response powers - report 2 (External link)
A report focusing on prevention and early intervention in relation to emerging risks of violent extremism, including an examination of the full spectrum of policies and programs to counter the risk of terrorism. |
Department of Premier and Cabinet |
2017 |
Expert panel on terrorism and violent extremism prevention and response powers - report 1 (External link)
The first report on how Victoria's legislation, powers and procedures are working to prevent, monitor, investigate and respond to terrorism. It contains 16 recommendations covering the use of force, investigative and preventative detention, presumptions against bail and parole, special police powers during declared events and the protection of criminal intelligence. |
Department of Premier and Cabinet |
2014 |
Victorian Review of Counter-Terrorism Legislation (External link)
An evaluation of the operation, effectiveness and implications of Victoria's counter-terrorism legislation. |
Department of Justice and Regulation |