2024 |
Fire Services Implementation Monitor annual report 2023-24 (External link)
The fourth annual report on the progress made by the CFA, FRV, the Firefighters Registration Board and the Department of Justice and Community Safety in implementing the government’s Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan. The report brings together the observations and analysis on the efforts of Victoria’s fire services to implement the Government’s vision for a modern and interoperable fire service. |
2023 |
Support needs of family members of emergency services volunteers (External link)
A study conducted to better understand the support needs of family members of emergency services volunteers, its findings will be translated to inform the development of a suite of initiatives to support the families of volunteers. |
Independent |
2023 |
Champions of Change Fire and Emergency 2022 Progress Report (External link)
Fire and Emergency Champions of Change Group’s fifth progress report, providing a snapshot update on actions taken, and outcomes achieved against gender equality priorities. This is the first report that provides a five year review of progress on women’s representation in the sector, including in frontline service delivery roles, documenting the progress that has been made since the Group first reported in 2018. |
Independent |
2023 |
Behind the Frontline: Vicarious Trauma Amongst Support Staff in Victoria’s Emergency Management Sector (External link)
An examination of how vicarious trauma may be impacting support staff working in Victoria’s emergency management sector and recommendations for best practices for supporting them |
Independent |
2023 |
After the Fires: The impacts of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires on the wellbeing of emergency services personnel who responded to the fires (External link)
After the Fires investigated the impacts of the Black Summer bushfires on emergency services personnel, to address key gaps in knowledge about how to foster resilience and coping, and investigate how to deliver effective support for mental health and wellbeing to Australian bushfire first responders |
Academia |
2023 |
Fire Services Implementation Monitor FY 2022–23 Annual Report (External link)
Third annual report that summarises progress against each of the remaining 39 actions in the Year Two to Five Plan, it comments on the progress of the four recommendations in Year Two annual report, and provides one additional recommendation to improve the focus of reform activities |
Fire Services Implementation Monitor |
2022 |
Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority Capability and Service Review: Final Report (External link)
A review that responds to concern around the effectiveness of ESTA’s capability and capacity to deliver consistent Triple Zero (000) services across Victoria, it considered all aspects of ESTA’s operating model and assessed the agency's capabilities against the core services it delivers. The review made 20 recommendations which the Victorian Government supported in principle. |
Independent |
2022 |
Emergency Services Workforce 2030 (External link)
A consolidated overview of emerging workforce challenges and opportunities likely to face emergency service organisations over the coming decade, this report presents a high-level summary of key trends and developments highlighted in research from beyond the emergency management sphere. It identifies potential implications of these trends and developments for the future emergency service workforce. |
Bushfire & Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre |
2022 |
Final Report of the Independent Review into Workplace Equality in Ambulance Victoria (External link)
Volume II of the Final Report examines the experience of workers across the employment life-cycle and proposes strategies designed to embed equality into the culture, systems, policies and practices of the organisation so that Ambulance Victoria can become a safer, more equal, fair and inclusive workplace for all. The report makes 19 recommendations to address systemic barriers, fill gaps in policies and procedures, and improve individual and organisational capability to deliver, measure and monitor workplace safety and equality outcomes. |
Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission |
2022 |
Business Continuity during COVID-19 (External link)
An examination of all eight Victorian Government departments - plus IT provider Cenitex - on their preparation for a major disruption prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and if plans were effectively implemented to maintain prioritised services during the pandemic. |
Victorian Auditor-General's Office |