South eastern Australia, including Victoria, is among the most bushfire-prone areas in the world.

Victoria’s high bushfire risk is due to a combination of factors including increasing population density in fire-prone areas.

Major bushfires can lead to loss of life and injury, damage to key state infrastructure such as electricity transmission lines, water supply assets and transport links.

Additionally, fast moving grass fires in metro/rural interface environments, structure fires in urban environments, and mine fires caused by fires in nearby bushland all pose their unique challenges and consequences.

Examples of significant bushfires and related fires include the 2009 Black Saturday fires, 2014 Hazelwood mine fire and more recently the 2019-20 fires which led to major reviews at state level and a Royal Commission at national level: Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season and Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements respectively.

All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2024 Independent review of the Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund: a story about community led recovery, greater connections, sharing, growth and healing (External link) A report that documents and shares the story of the Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund, to reflect on its experience, celebrate its achievements, and to offer the lessons learned to other communities preparing for, or recovering from disasters. Independent
2024 Fire Services Implementation Monitor annual report 2023-24 (External link) The fourth annual report on the progress made by the CFA, FRV, the Firefighters Registration Board and the Department of Justice and Community Safety in implementing the government’s Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan. The report brings together the observations and analysis on the efforts of Victoria’s fire services to implement the Government’s vision for a modern and interoperable fire service.
2024 Victoria's bushfire risk management report 2023-2024 (External link) This report provides information on bushfire risk management delivery and outcomes across public and private land in Victoria for the 2023-24 financial year. It covers state, regional, and more localised (district / municipal) levels where appropriate. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
2023 Understanding the Black Summer bushfires through research (External link) A summary of key research findings since the 2019-20 fire season to improve the capabilities of communities to prepare for, respond to and recover from future natural hazard emergencies. Findings from 23 projects cover different issues and knowledge gaps within four themes: fire predictive services, cultural land management, community-centred disaster risk reduction, bushfire data and reconstruction. Natural Hazards Research Australia
2023 Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry - Progress Report 2022 (External link) The final Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry progress report, it summarises implementation progress (to July 2022), and finds that 246 actions set out in the Victorian Government Implementation Plan are now either closed or complete, 14 recommendations and affirmations directed to health agencies are complete and 26 recommendations and affirmations directed to coal mine operators are either closed or complete. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2023 Victorian State of the Environment 2023 Report (External link) Victoria’s five-yearly report card on the health of the state’s natural environment – land, water, air and ecosystems, the report is a considered analysis of the available science and the pressures and challenges ahead. The recommendations seek to support the Victorian Government to keep improving its environmental monitoring and management systems and capabilities during this decade and beyond. Independent
2023 Fire Services Implementation Monitor FY 2022–23 Annual Report (External link) Third annual report that summarises progress against each of the remaining 39 actions in the Year Two to Five Plan, it comments on the progress of the four recommendations in Year Two annual report, and provides one additional recommendation to improve the focus of reform activities Fire Services Implementation Monitor
2023 Victoria's bushfire risk management report 2012-2013 (External link) A report that documents the observations, feedback and insights provided by the Victorian Fire Agencies, emergency management partners and key stakeholders gathered through an operational review process undertaken following the 2012/13 Fire Danger Period. Emergency Management Victoria
2023 Victoria's bushfire risk management report 2022-2023 (External link) A report that provides information on bushfire risk management delivery and outcomes at state, regional and district levels across both public and private land for the financial year 2022–23, it indicates that government, communities and individuals across Victoria will need to prepare for bushfires as Australia’s climate transitions from a phase of abundant vegetation growth supported by wetter La Niña conditions to El Niño conditions where rainfall usually reduces during summer. Independent
2023 Fire Services Implementation Monitor Annual Report 2021-22 (External link) An assessment of implementation progress of Victoria’s fire services reforms for the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, it reviews progress of the CFA and FRV in carrying out the Year Two to Five Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan Fire Services Implementation Monitor