Public health emergencies can be caused by events which impact on public health or events that can potentially overwhelm the health-system.

For example, a highly infectious disease spreading through the community, health impacts arising from emergencies (for example smoke from a major fire or waterborne diseases during a flood), and any mass casualty situations or weather-related events such as thunderstorm asthma.

Examples of significant public health emergencies include the Victoria’s thunderstorm asthma event of 21–22 November 2016, and the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. 

All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2024 ACOSS Summer Heat Survey 2024 (External link) Heatwaves are by far the greatest cause of extreme weather-related deaths. Climate change is exacerbating the intensity and duration of hot conditions – but many homes are not built to withstand them. This report makes 10 recommendations towards cooler, healthier and more climate-resilient homes, putting people with the least at the centre of government policy and planning. Independent
2023 Let’s talk about the weather: injuries related to extreme weather (External link) The past decade has seen increasing injuries related to extreme weather – such as heatwaves, bushfires and storms. With the exception of Tasmania, exposure to excessive natural heat was the most common cause leading to injury hospitalisation for all states and territories. The report suggests opportunities to develop weather-related injury surveillance systems.
Australian Government
2023 Accessing formal supports in Australia: the experiences of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women with disabilities (External link) An exploration of challenges faced by CALD women and girls with disabilities in accessing vital support systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights barriers within health and disability sectors and provides insights and recommendations to foster equity and inclusivity. Independent
2023 Curbing antimicrobial resistance: A technology-powered, human-driven approach to combating the ‘silent pandemic' (External link) An report outlining the challenges for Australia and the world to avoid being thrust back into a pre-antimicrobial age where simple infections are deadly and some surgeries are too risky to perform. It calls for greater national coordination and a focus on streamlining commercialisation processes for new antimicrobial resistance solutions and technologies. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
2023 Sick and tired: Casting a long shadow (Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections) (External link) The primary focus of this inquiry was the national management of long COVID, with further attention being placed on additional effects of this condition including the economic and mental health impacts, potential treatment and management options, and repeated COVID infections. The report makes 9 recommendations towards better healthcare for all. Parliament of Australia
2022 Fault Lines - An independent review into Australia's response to COVID-19 (External link) An independent review that aims to learn the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic in order for Australia to be better prepared for future health crises, it makes four findings where improvements can be made, and six recommendations to put societal fault lines at the centre of improving response to the next health crisis. Independent
2022 Review of the Pandemic (Visitors to Hospitals and Care Facilities) Orders (External link) A review of the Pandemic (Visitors to Hospitals and Care Facilities) Orders undertaken due to the considerable impact visitor restrictions have had on patients, residents of care facilities, and their loved ones. Restrictions on visiting a care facility were in place until June 2022, and it was only in April 2022 that restrictions under the pandemic orders were relaxed for hospital visitors. The review also considered the issues caused by the pandemic orders more generally finding that the way Victorian Government communicates pandemic orders and changes to orders should be improved. Parliament of Victoria
2022 Review of Victoria's emergency ambulance call answer performance COVID-19 pandemic-related 000 demand surge (External link) A review that examines and assesses both ESTA’s and the broader emergency management sector’s planning and preparedness for a major surge in emergency ambulance calls due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The review also examines how the sector responded to the surge in emergency ambulance calls, the effectiveness of its response, and collaborative efforts to address the challenges. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2022 Minimising risks of asbestos exposure and associated harm in Victoria 2022 (External link) A report that aims to improve the health and safety outcomes of all Victorians who may come into contact with asbestos and prevent future deaths from asbestos-related disease, it makes 21 recommendations towards prevention of disease and, ultimately saving lives. It recommends the appointment of a senior manager role within state government to work solely with local governments on asbestos management issues to assist in the development of a range of communications, guidelines and asbestos management policies including preparation for, and response to, emergency events. Independent
2022 Review of COVID-19 Communications in Victoria (External link) An assessment of the Victorian Government’s approach relating to pandemic orders and health related communications against best practice. The report found that significant effort was made to ensure the timely provision of consistent and relevant information utilising a diversity of methods and platforms. Parliament of Victoria