Energy supply disruptions can occur either due to technical failures or major physical damage to infrastructure, such as power plants, transmission or distribution networks.

Gas, electricity and liquid fuel supply losses can contribute to energy supply disruptions.

Examples of significant events in Victoria include:

  • 28 and 29 January 2018 - high demand from sustained high temperatures and humidity overloaded localised electricity network assets causing power outages.
  • 31 January 2020 - severe winds caused damage to eight transmission towers causing blackouts.
All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2024 Network Outage Review - final report (External link) An independent review into the response of Victoria’s network businesses to the 13 February storm event. The review makes 19 recommendations which form a clear pathway for Victoria’s transmission and distribution businesses to prepare better, prevent outages, and to more effectively reconnect and provide support to communities during and after events, and to continuously improve by learning from these experiences. Independent
2024 Network Outage Review - interim report (External link) A review into the transmission and distribution businesses operational response to the 13 February 2024 Storms, it identifies improvements for better community outcomes in an environment of more frequent and intense weather events that challenge our networks. This includes quick response on the ground relief, compensation and adjustments to regulatory frameworks, which were made for a time when our distribution businesses operated in a ‘steady state’. Independent
2023 Preliminary report: Victoria market suspension on 22 April 2023 (External link) This report relates to an electricity spot market suspension in Victoria on 22 and 23 April 2023, a SCADA outage that resulted in risks to power system operation and caused market impacts. It includes the results of AusNet’s investigation, steps taken to address the cause of the event, and AEMO's recommendations for AusNet and network service providers. Australian Energy Market Operator
2022 Inquiry into renewable energy in Victoria (External link) An inquiry into the Victorian Government’s emission reduction and renewable energy targets, the Committee made 24 findings and 32
recommendations. The committee reported on governance and policy structures, and also found that the developing renewable energy sector creates a good source of employment and that there will be significant economic benefits in transitioning away from fossil fuels.
Parliament of Victoria
2022 Electricity Distribution Network Resilience Review Final Recommendations Report (External link) A review in response to the June 2021 storms, it identified the immediate, medium and longer-term reform measures, policies and regulatory changes needed to ensure that distribution businesses can undertake work to mitigate the risk of, and better respond to, prolonged power outages. The review also considered ways to strengthen community resilience in the face of prolonged power outages. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
2022 Community Report - June 2021 Extreme Weather Event (External link) A report that outlines key lessons identified from the extreme weather event of 2021, including what went well and areas for improvement. It aims to ensure that lessons of significance to both agencies and communities are considered, implemented and shared across the emergency management sector and with impacted communities. Emergency Management Victoria
2020 Energy Safe Victoria Annual Report 2019–20 (External link) Annual report for the State’s independent electrical and gas safety regulator, highlighting its emergency response contribution to the 2019-20 Victorian bushfire season.
Energy Safe Victoria
2020 Australian Electricity Options: introduction (External link) A series of research papers examining various alternatives for electricity generation, each considered with its own advantages and disadvantages. Parliament of Australia
2020 2020 Integrated System Plan for the National Electricity Market (External link) A whole-of-system plan that efficiently achieves eastern Australia’s power system needs, in the long-term interests of the consumers of electricity. It serves the regulatory purpose of identifying actionable and future ISP projects, as well as the broader purposes of informing market participants, investors, policy decision-makers and consumers. Australian Energy Market Operator
2020 2019-20 NEM Summer Operations Review Report (External link) A review of system operations in the National Electricity Market (NEM) over summer 2019-2020. The scope of this review is limited to operational outcomes and does not include market and financial outcomes. Australian Energy Market Operator