A hazard is a source of potential harm. A hazard event is another term for emergency.

Some assurance activities examine system-wide risks that span across multiple hazard types, including reviews into the emergency management functions of sector organisations.

Examples of such assurance activities include the Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria’s emergency management sector and the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.

All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2019 Community Resilience Strategy Year Two Outcomes Report (External link) A report presenting key highlights, activities and outcomes for VICSES from implementing the Strategy in 2017-2018 and the KPIs to measure achievement against the strategic objectives. The report is intended to support continuous improvement of programs and initiatives during the lifetime of the Strategy. Victoria State Emergency Service
2019 Councils and Emergencies Capability and Capacity Evaluation Report (External link) A comprehensive overview of the emergency management capability and capacity of Victoria’s 79 councils. The findings enable councils to better understand their capability and capacity and support better emergency management planning locally. The report also supports the emergency management sector to better understand councils’ emergency management capability and capacity. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
2019 Review of impact assessment and consequence management (External link) A system-wide review exploring the impact assessment and consequence management arrangements in the sector, and identifying opportunities to ensure the arrangements aligned with performance expectations, leading practice, and intended community outcomes based on observations and findings from emergency events in Victoria, including the 2018 South West fires. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2019 Implementation of recommendations from IGEM system-wide reviews – Progress Report 2018 (External link) An assessment of the state's progress on implementing recommendations from three system-wide reviews conducted by IGEM.
• Review of connecting with and preparing communities for major emergencies in Victoria
• Review of Victoria’s emergency management sector preparedness for major emergencies
• Review of community recovery following the 2013–14 Victorian bushfires
Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2019 Review of Victoria’s emergency management sector preparedness for major emergencies (External link) A system-wide review identifying opportunities to enhance Victoria’s sector preparedness for major emergencies exploring possible pathways for Victoria to strengthen preparedness for major emergencies that recognise and reflect the current emergency management arrangements. This review identified preparedness as a shared responsibility and applies to all stages of prevention, response and recovery; and guided by risk. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2019 Critical Infrastructure Resilience - 2018 Report (External link) A report detailing IGEM’s transition from monitoring implementation of critical infrastructure resilience arrangements to assessing their efficiency and effectiveness. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2019 Review of emergency management for high-risk Victorian communities (External link) A system-wide review examining the processes and tools the emergency management sector uses for identifying high-risk communities, the vulnerabilities in those communities and how the sector addresses these issues in their planning and response processes. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2019 Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2018 (External link) A report highlighting the benefits of continued collaboration between industry and government, and a focus on enhancing resilience to emergency risks. Emergency Management Victoria
2019 Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #2 2017–20 – Progress Report 2018 (External link) An assessment of the progress of the state's implementation of the SAP Update #2 2017–20. The SAP is a rolling plan that outlines statewide strategic priorities, with corresponding actions, to support Victoria in achieving its vision of safer and more resilient communities. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2018 Community Resilience Strategy – Indicators and Evaluation Framework (External link) A framework that elaborates on the measurement and evaluation components of the Community Resilience Strategy for VICSES, it links into key pieces of Victorian, Australian and International doctrine. In 2018–19 VICSES commenced implementation and started reporting on data associated with the measures set in the framework. Victoria State Emergency Service