This is the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s (IGEM) fourth progress report on the state’s implementation of the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (External link) (SAP).
SAP Update #3 2018–21 outlines four themes and eight strategic priorities with 32 corresponding strategic actions to support the state in achieving its emergency management vision of safer and more resilient communities.
The report summarises key activities and provides an assessment of implementation progress for the 13 SAP Update #3 2018–21 actions assessed between 1 July 2018 and 31 December 2019, along with key developments since this period.
IGEM found that:
- two actions have been completed
- two actions have been closed, with no further activity planned
Of the remaining nine actions, IGEM found:
- two are progressing satisfactorily
- three are progressing with revised timeframes
- two are overdue (including one that is on hold)
- one action is in the early stages of development
- one is yet to commence.
Although significant progress has been made, some SAP actions continue to take longer to deliver than initially anticipated. The reasons for this are varied and include resourcing challenges, competing priorities, and the breadth and complexity of the actions – several of which were realigned at the end of 2019 to better meet the sector's key priorities.
In addition, IGEM also recognises the challenges and operational pressures that the emergency management sector has faced during the 2019–20 fire season and COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic.
IGEM will continue to monitor implementation of the SAP as the sector looks towards the future with the development of its 2030 Strategy for Emergency Management in Victoria.
Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #3 2018–21 - Progress Update 2019 was published on 9 July 2020
You can access the report from the link at the bottom of this page, or view as a flipbook (External link).
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