2021 |
Victoria's Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2020 (External link)
An overview of the eight Victorian critical infrastructure sectors, including the key emergency risks, dependencies, and completed and proposed resilience improvement initiatives for each. The report also includes 5 case studies covering impacts to critical infrastructure and essential services from key emergency events in 2019-20 (bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic). |
Emergency Management Victoria |
2021 |
Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 (External link)
A strategy that builds on the work of the first cross-sectoral infrastructure strategy delivered in 2016, it identifies the top infrastructure priorities for Victoria’s nine regions to reduce disadvantage, build on economic strengths and address environmental risks. |
Infrastructure Victoria |
2021 |
Clearing a path to full inclusion of people with disability in emergency management policy and practice in Australia (External link)
An issues paper prepared in response to the roadblocks to safety and wellbeing for Australians with disability in emergency management. It distills six key issues that present barriers to the full inclusion of people with disability in emergency management, and five practical actions that institutions with responsibility for emergency management and other stakeholders can undertake. |
Independent |
2021 |
A Pathway to Infrastructure Resilience: Advisory Paper 1: Opportunities for systemic change (External link)
A research paper that recommends a whole-of-system, all-hazards approach to resilience planning that focuses on strengthening an infrastructure asset, network and sector, as well as the place, precinct, city, and region that the infrastructure operates within. |
Infrastructure Australia |
2021 |
Councils and emergencies phase three regional consultation report (External link)
A summary of the feedback received from councils and the wider emergency management sector in Phase Three of the Councils and Emergencies Project, it provides a clear understanding of the issues councils face in undertaking their emergency management responsibilities, and produced a set of proposed actions to address those issues. |
Local Government Victoria |
2021 |
Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #4 2019–22 - Progress Update 2020 (External link)
An assessment of the state's implementation of progress of the SAP update #4 2019-2022.
The SAP is a rolling plan that outlines statewide strategic priorities, with corresponding actions, to support Victoria in achieving its vision of safer and more resilient communities. In this report, IGEM’s observations address topics of consultation, continuous improvement, governance and resourcing, and the consistency and integration of reform outputs. |
Inspector-General for Emergency Management |
2021 |
Community organisation involvement in disaster management (External link)
Research focusing specifically on the role and involvement of community organisations in disaster management. The research includes results from stakeholders interviews and an online survey targeting not-for-profits and community service organisations, and provides key findings and recommendations for emergency management organisations, government funding bodies and community organisation peak bodies to improve the utilisation of capabilities offered by community organisations in disaster management. |
Bushfire & Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre |
2021 |
Victorian Infrastructure Plan 2021 (External link)
A plan that outlines the Victorian Government’s investment directions across eight sectors specifying significant projects, reform directions and funding over the next five years and beyond. It also contains responses to Infrastructure Victoria’s 94 recommendations in Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021–2051 including areas of transport, energy, environment, water and emergency management. |
Department of Treasury and Finance |
2021 |
Emergency Resilience in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities (External link)
This report provides community groups, emergency management agencies and migration support organisations with knowledge and tools to ensure that CALD communities’ resilience can flourish in a world characterised by increased mobility, multiculturalism, and more frequent disasters |
Australian Red Cross |
2021 |
Understanding preparedness and recovery (External link)
An examination of the emergency experiences of 165 people who lived through a disaster between 2008 and 2019 to better understand the link between preparedness actions and enhanced recovery. |
Australian Red Cross |