2022 |
Emergency Services Workforce 2030 (External link)
A consolidated overview of emerging workforce challenges and opportunities likely to face emergency service organisations over the coming decade, this report presents a high-level summary of key trends and developments highlighted in research from beyond the emergency management sphere. It identifies potential implications of these trends and developments for the future emergency service workforce. |
Bushfire & Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre |
2021 |
Pathways to culturally diverse volunteering towards COVID-19 recovery (External link)
Volunteers from culturally diverse groups played an important role in assisting Victorians disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report examines critical success factors for volunteer engagement among culturally diverse groups, and makes recommendations for sustained engagement of local communities beyond one-off outreach events. |
Department of Fairness, Families and Housing, Independent |
2021 |
Volume 1: Final Report of the Independent Review into Workplace Equality in Ambulance Victoria (External link)
A report detailing widespread reports of incivility, disrespect, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and victimisation within Ambulance Victoria. Its 24 recommendations include actions focused on improving safety and harm prevention, developing a victim-centred and fair reporting and complaints system, engaging the workforce in developing and committing to new organisational values, and strengthening the organisational structures required to implement reform. |
Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission |
2021 |
After the fires: Executive summary of the Wave 1 research into the impacts of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires on the wellbeing of emergency services personnel (External link)
The research investigates the impacts of the bushfires on emergency services personnel, with aim to address key gaps in knowledge about how to foster resilience and coping, and investigate how to deliver effective support for mental health and wellbeing to Australian bushfire first responders. |
Academia |
2021 |
Fire Services Implementation Monitor Annual Report 2020-21 (External link)
An assessment of the first eight months of implementation progress of Victoria’s fire services reforms (15 October – 30 June 2021) focused on 36 of the 54 Year One Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan (Year One Plan) actions, categorised and assessed under three themes: agency capacity and capability, collaboration between CFA and FRV, and workplace culture and diversity. |
Fire Services Implementation Monitor |
2021 |
2021-22 Quarter 1 Fire Services Outcome Framework Progress Report - Fire Services Q1 performance results (External link)
An independent quarterly report that provides observations on the progress of CFA and FRV against their respective outcomes-based fire services performance indicators. |
Fire Services Implementation Monitor |
2020 |
State of Volunteering Report 2020 (External link)
An examination of both the ‘usual’ pattern of volunteering (undertaken in the 12 months of 2019) and volunteering behaviours from April-June 2020 when the impact of COVID-19 altered the work, travel and daily pattern of life across Victoria, it shows an increasingly professionalised workforce, with leaders of volunteers actively developing the skills and careers of Victorians through volunteering. There is further potential through volunteering to contribute even more to Victorian productivity and community wellbeing. |
Independent |
2020 |
The 3Vs Final Report: Uncovering the hidden value (External link)
A report providing perspective on the value created by volunteers. The report estimates the economic value of Victoria’s emergency management volunteers at between $1.9 and $2.5 billion annually and analyses how non-economic impacts of the 3Vs, volunteers (the people), volunteering (the activities) and volunteerism (the culture), can be identified and measured |
Emergency Management Victoria |
2019 |
The people behind 000: mental health of our first responders (External link)
An examination of the role of Australian, state and territory governments in addressing the high rates of mental health conditions experienced by first responders, emergency service workers and volunteers. In February 2020, the Australian Government responded to the Senate Committee’s 14 recommendations that seek to address the conditions experienced by first responders. |
Parliament of Australia |
2019 |
The people behind 000: mental health of our first responders (External link)
An inquiry into the role of Australian, state and territory governments in addressing the high rates of mental health conditions experienced by first responders, emergency service workers and volunteers, the report makes 14 recommendations that seek to address the rates of conditions experienced. |
Parliament of Australia |