Flooding is mainly caused by heavy rainfall that exceeds the capacity of normal water courses and bodies of water.

Flood events can cause severe damage to key infrastructure such as roads and bridges, water, sewerage and electrical assets, as well as possible loss of life and economic losses in affected regions.

Social disruption also occurs, particularly when people are displaced from their homes and normal community facilities are damaged. The immediate impact can endure for weeks, or months if flood waters move or dissipate slowly.

Examples of major flood events include the 2010-11 floods that covered about one-third of Victoria. This is the worst recorded flood event for the state. This event led to a major independent review: The Review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response.

All links in the table below will open in a new window.
Publish year Assurance activity Summary Organisation
2017 Review of connecting with and preparing communities for major emergencies in Victoria (External link) A review of engagement programs of Victoria’s two volunteer based statutory bodies, CFA and VICSES, that take a lead role in preparing communities for bushfires, floods and storms. The report makes three recommendations related to improving sector connections with communities to enhance preparedness and resilience for major emergencies. Inspector-General for Emergency Management
2013 Flood Relief and Recovery (External link) An assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the state’s relief and recovery arrangements in the aftermath of the 2010-11 floods. This report found that a siloed approach and the governance model chosen by government resulted in a fragmented approach to relief and recovery, and that relationships and knowledge at local government level played a very powerful role in determining success of flood relief and recovery in affected communities. Victorian Auditor-General's Office
2012 Report of the 2012 North East Victoria Flood Review (External link) This review found that on average about three-quarters of residents surveyed across the flood-affected areas were aware of the flood risk. However, this awareness did not translate strongly into preparedness behaviours. Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner
2012 Inquiry into Flood Mitigation Infrastructure in Victoria (External link) An inquiry into flooding events that mainly affected northern, western and central Victoria, and other areas such as Gippsland which had been flood affected at other times. The inquiry followed the 2010-11 floods and focussed on the views of Victorians affected by flooding throughout the state over time. Parliament of Victoria
2011 Review of the 2010-2011 Flood Warnings & Response (External link) An examination of aspects of flood response and recovery, emergency warnings and evacuations following the 2010-11 floods. The findings of this review helped guide the government’s response and planning to ensure Victoria is better equipped to deal with similarly severe flooding events in the future. Independent