Open now, the 2024 Disaster Challenge (External link) seeks teams of the best and brightest early career researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students across Australia to make a difference to the way we respond to bushfires, floods, storms and other natural hazards.  

If this sounds like you, then the Disaster Challenge wants to know what you can bring to disaster management in Australia.

Now in its third year, the Disaster Challenge has a brand new wicked problem to encourage new ideas, new thinking and new research. And the best bit? No prior experience or knowledge of disasters is required.

With a national final and prizes, what innovation can you and your team bring that Australia hasn’t done yet?

Entries close 14 July 2024

The wicked problem

At the heart of society’s approach to disaster resilience are the notions of shared responsibility and community-led action, backed by scientific evidence and lived experience. This requires informed, trusted and effective relationships between people and organisations involved in preventing, preparing, responding and recovering from disasters, including climate change.

There are many ways to build and sustain mutual trust, however trust can be eroded by the decisions and actions of people, communities and organisations. In its place people and organisations can be disconnected, communication can break down and cynicism, doubt, isolation and non-participation can grow.

When trust is challenged the foundations of disaster resilience are threatened.

The Challenge

In a world where trust is both vital and fragile, how can we build and sustain trust across our whole society to drive the collective and coordinated actions that are fundamental to reducing the risks and impacts of disasters, and strengthening the safety, sustainability and resilience of all Australians?

Learn more, sign up for the online briefings

There are 2 online briefings to answer your questions about the Disaster Challenge, connect individuals with potential teammates and outline the wicked problem and what makes it wicked.

Online briefing one: learn about the Disaster Challenge

30 May, 4pm AEST

Interested in participating but not yet sure? Keen to enter but after more specifics? Want to find others to collaborate with and form a team? Join us on 30 May if any of these questions sound like you. If you already have a team, bring them along.

Online briefing two: why is this problem wicked?

6 June, 4pm AEST

Learn more about the wicked problem and ask questions of practitioners and researchers with experience of the wicked problem to better understand it and refine your potential solutions. Connect with others who are thinking about similar problems and solutions.

Register for one of both briefings here (External link)


The Inspector-General for Emergency Management is Natural Hazards Research Australia collaborator organisation (External link)