The Emergency Management Act 2013 (the Act) requires the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) to monitor and report to the Minister for Emergency Services on the implementation of the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (the SAP).
The 2015–18 SAP was released in July 2015 and comprises 30 strategic actions to contribute to a sustainable and efficient emergency management system that reduces the likelihood, effect, and consequences of emergencies.
This is the first annual progress report prepared by IGEM on the state’s progress with implementing reform through the SAP. The report provides the implementation progress update for the first three quarters of 2015–16 (1 July 2015 to 31 March 2016).
Overall, IGEM considers that the SAP actions are progressing satisfactorily, with 22 of the 30 actions commenced and now at varying levels of planning, scoping and implementation.
While a number of actions have experienced minor delays due to operational demands from Victoria’s summer season, IGEM has accepted advice from lead agencies that these actions will be on schedule in the near future.
IGEM’s next progress (annual) report is scheduled for completion in late 2017.
The Annual Progress Report - Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan 2015-18 (May 2016) was published on 9 August 2016.
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