This 2014 Annual Report is the Bushfires Royal Commission Implementation Monitor's last report and is delivered in accordance with section 12 of the Bushfires Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act 2009.

It provides an update on the implementation actions that were outstanding at the time of publishing their 2013 Annual Report.

The 2014 Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 5 August 2014. 

The tabling of 2014 Annual Report concluded the BRCIM’s responsibilities under the BRCIM Act. However, remained ongoing.

The BRCIM suggested the following approach be considered to ensure that the remaining 21 actions relating to 11 recommendations continued to be monitored in a transparent and robust manner:

1. The responsible department or agency provides an update on the progress of each ongoing action in their annual report until the IGEM has reported that the action has been satisfactorily.  

2. The minister consider requesting the IGEM, in accordance with section 64(1)(c) of the Emergency Management Act 2013, to prepare an annual progress report for the minister for publication on all ongoing VBRC recommendations and related actions and advise when each action has been satisfactorily implemented.

Victorian Government
Victorian Government
Date of Publication

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