This is the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s (IGEM) third progress report on the Victorian Government’s implementation of the 33 commitments made in response to the Parliament of Victoria’s Inquiry into the Country Fire Authority (CFA) Training College at Fiskville.

In 2016 the inquiry concluded that poor safety practices had led to Fiskville’s contamination and closure, and were likely to have harmed the health of trainees and other people in contact with the site.

IGEM’s first progress report in 2018, found that 18 commitments were complete, and in its second progress report in 2019, found that another six were complete.

Since then, three more commitments have been completed. The final six remain ongoing. This report provides an overview of work undertaken by departments and agencies since April 2019 to implement these nine commitments.

In this report IGEM has observed the completion of important commitments related to occupational health and safety and environmental compliance at CFA’s training centres, and the regulation and management of contaminated land statewide.

While the impact of the 2019–20 fire season and the COVID-19 pandemic understandably caused some implementation delays, IGEM noted satisfactory progress made towards completion of the ongoing commitments.

IGEM will continue to monitor the implementation progress of the six ongoing commitments to provide assurance to government and the community that the lessons identified from the inquiry are turned into sustainable improvements that make a difference for Victorians.

The Implementation of government commitments in response to the Inquiry into the CFA Training College - Progress Report – 2020 was published on 9 February 2021

You can access the report from the link at the bottom of this page, or view as a flipbook (External link).


Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Inspector-General for Emergency Management, Victorian Government
Date of Publication

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