Our Annual Forward Plan provides a high-level description of the reviews IGEM will conduct in 2023-24.
The extent and frequency of change within the sector presents a challenge to predicting and/or prioritising review topics in advance. When coupled with the dynamic nature of emergencies, IGEM considers current and emerging risks on an annual basis to inform the forward plan.
IGEM considered numerous factors when developing this forward plan, including ongoing sector reforms, recent reviews and other assurance activities.
Based on these and other considerations, we will conduct one planned review in 2023-24.
Review of Victoria’s preparedness for major chemical, biological and radiological incidents
Chemical, biological and radiological agents have the potential to seriously threaten the health and safety of the Victorian community. Major incidents can have severe human health impacts, and can harm the environment, agriculture, livestock or property.
Likewise, the health and safety of responder personnel is placed at significant risk during response, clean-up and recovery.
By conducting this review, we aim to identify opportunities to strengthen emergency management arrangements and preparedness activities for incident response.