The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the community and emergency management sector – develop and promote a preparedness strategy that:
• is relevant to all emergencies
• is aligned with existing, consistent and accessible preparedness message
• includes a clear, consistent and accessible preparedness message
• builds on the community preparedness work of the Australian Red Cross
• considers leading practice from other jurisdictions
As part of this review, EMV and sector partners will consider integrating and building on the community preparedness work of the Australian Red Cross and the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (or revised national policy) and exploring best practice from other national and international jurisdictions.
On 7 October 2021 SCRC approved a revised due date for this action of June 2022 due to resource constraints.
EMV has addressed this action through the ‘Understanding community safety and resilience from different perspectives’ project.
EMV engaged consultants to identify examples of leading resilience practice across national and international jurisdictions. The examples identified included three Australian Red Cross projects.
The consultants identified alignment between the examples and the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (2018) priorities:
• understand disaster risk
• accountable decisions
• enhance investment
• governance, ownership and responsibility.
The project findings will inform the development of an improved community resilience approach and model, the need for which was identified through 10YOR Action 3.3.
Further information on the community preparedness and disaster resilience work of the Australian Red Cross is available at redcross.org.au/emergencies/