The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria streamlines the existing suite of work underway to identify gaps in the sector's capability and capacity to deliver a comprehensive sector-wide capability development strategy for operational and strategic personnel – including volunteers – that considers:
a) all capabilities identified through the Victorian Preparedness Framework and additional strategic emergency management capabilities
b) all capability development mechanisms (including accreditation, work-based learning, training and exercising).
EMV will lead a strategic review of Victoria’s network of Incident Control Centres and Regional Control Centres, focusing on capacity and resourcing to ensure a sustainable, effective model that is able to respond to large, concurrent and prolonged events. This includes a commitment by the Victorian Government of $1.762 million to deliver a strategic review by May 2021.
As part of the Emergency Management Operating Model Review (refer to 10YOR Action 4.3), EMV commissioned a consultation report (November 2021) including analysis, findings and proposals on Victoria’s network of control centres, including Incident Control Centres (ICCs) and Regional Control Centres (RCCs).
The consultation report proposed that the sector rationalise and modernise control centres to reflect a flexible all-hazards approach. Drawing on new data and previous network reviews dating back to 2013, the report found appetite across the sector for this change and suggested that the location of control centres be determined through an optimisation exercise.
Specific proposals for implementation arising from the Operating Model Review remain under development and are subject to future consideration and approval by government. Refer to Action 10YOR Action 4.3 for more information on this process.
EMV’s Chief Executive has approved a revised due date for this action of June 2023.
EMV advised that the $1.762 million (m) funding commitment mentioned in this action is for the overall Operating Model Review.