IGEM undertakes system-wide reviews, including reviews of the emergency management functions of responder agencies and government departments as prescribed in section 66 of the Emergency Management Act, and based on an Annual Forward Plan of Reviews.
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews – 2021
In developing the forward plan for 2021, IGEM considered possible matters for review as contained within its longer-term Forward Projection of Reviews – 2020.
IGEM also considered the risks and themes from monitoring of the COVID-19 response throughout 2020, and from complementary assurance activities such as the COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry and relevant parliamentary inquiries.
Based on these considerations, IGEM conducted one planned review in 2021 titled Victoria’s preparedness for major public health emergencies, including pandemics completed 30 June 2022. The report and the Victorian Government's response were published on 3 September 2022.
It was the sole, planned review scheduled for conduct in 2021, in addition to completing Phase 2 of the independent Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season.
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