Under the Emergency Management Act, IGEM has a specific role in monitoring and reporting on the implementation, effectiveness and efficacy of actions under the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (External link).

On 28 June 2023, we received approval to publish our sixth progress report on the State's implementation of the Strategic Action Plan. The report summarises key activities and provides an assessment of implementation progress of nine of the eleven SAP Update #4 actions between 1 January to 31 December 2021, and key developments in early 2022. 

We found that all nine SAP actions assessed in the progress report remain ongoing, with:

  • four progressing satisfactorily
  • one progressing but has experienced implementation challenges
  • four overdue - with one nearing completion and three in the early stages of development

Read the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #4 2019–22 – Progress Report 2021.