The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the emergency management sector and as part of the emergency management planning reforms:
a) review, update and confirm arrangements for all tiers of control, including the flexible application of areas of operations, with a particular focus on the triggers for activation, integration with other tiers of control and clearly defined roles and responsibilities
b) exercise these arrangements to ensure they are appropriate and familiar during emergencies.
State, regional and incident tier arrangements will be reinforced through the delivery of the Regional and Municipal Emergency Management plans to better support emergency response activities.
Victoria’s eight REMPs and its MEMPs include localised response content that contextualises general arrangements in the SEMP to the specific regional or municipal environment.
Regional Emergency Management Plans
The EMC endorsed Victoria’s inaugural REMPs in November 2020:
- Barwon South West
- Eastern Metro
- Gippsland
- Grampians
- Hume
- Loddon Mallee
- North West Metro
- Southern Metro.
The REMPs are available at emv.vic.gov.au/responsibilities/emergency-management-planning/remps (External link)
Municipal Emergency Management Plans
Existing MEMPs are being progressively updated in accordance with their existing three-year review cycles to ensure consistency with the SEMP and the relevant REMP. This activity is scheduled to conclude in late 2023 – refer to the progress summary for 10YOR Action 2.5 for more information.
Current MEMPs, including their sub-plans, are required to be available via council and Alpine Resort Management Board websites. A centralised library of links is also maintained on EMV’s website at emv.vic.gov.au/index.php/responsibilities/emergency-management-planning/memps (External link)