The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the emergency management sector and as part of the emergency management planning reforms:
a) review, update and confirm arrangements for all tiers of control, including the flexible application of areas of operations, with a particular focus on the triggers for activation, integration with other tiers of control and clearly defined roles and responsibilities
b) exercise these arrangements to ensure they are appropriate and familiar during emergencies.
The Victorian Government commits to developing community-focused communication and engagement strategies to build greater understanding of operational structures and arrangements across all phases of emergencies.
The main activity EMV is leading to deliver this action is the development of a community communications and engagement strategy focused on operational structures and emergency management arrangements.
EMV also develops communication and engagement strategies for specific campaigns in coordination with sector partners. This progress summary notes two examples, for the new AFDRS and the new AWS.
Community communication and engagement strategy
EMV has provided IGEM with a draft strategy to build better community understanding of emergency management arrangements.
The strategy outlines methods to develop audio and video-enabled content designed to enhance public understanding of how Victoria manages emergencies and increase public understanding of the functions, roles, escalation measures and structures of the emergency management sector.
IGEM will provide an update on the development and planned approval of the strategy by the Emergency Management Joint Public Information Committee in its next progress report.
Australian Fire Danger Rating System
From 1 September 2022, a nationally consistent fire danger rating system will be used in all Australian states and territories to communicate public information about fire danger ratings.
EMV has provided IGEM with a copy of the communications plan guiding the Victorian Government’s coordinated communications and engagement approach on the AFDRS.
For more information on the AFDRS, refer to afac.com.au/initiative/afdr (External link)s (External link) and cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/total-fire-bans-and-ratings/about-fire-danger-ratings (External link)
Australian Warning System
The Australian Warning System (AWS) is a new, national approach to warnings for bushfire, flood, severe weather, extreme heat, cyclones, and other hazards using a consistent set of icons.
On behalf of Victoria’s emergency services, EMV has been allocated Australian Government funding to lead a tailored, multi-faceted AWS community education initiative, to complement the existing national campaign led by AFAC, the National Council for fire and emergency services in Australia and New Zealand.
For more information on the AWS, refer to australianwarningsystem.com.au (External link)
VicEmergency platforms (including emergency.vic.gov.au (External link)) were updated to reflect the new national approach in December 2021.