The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in partnership with agencies engaged in state, regional and incident control centres:
a) review and update shift roster and handover processes to ensure they are procedurally consistent and support the achievement of objectives at all stages of a protracted event
b) provide training and guidance to ensure shift roster and handover processes are consistently applied in state, regional and incident control centres.
EMV will update the pre-season training content so that handover practices and processes are properly understood in state, regional and incident control centres, as well as reinforcing consistent application of incident action planning, especially during protracted and complex events.
Handover practices and processes
As noted in the progress summary for FSIP1 Action 13.1, the sector’s online EM Learning platform includes a training module on effective handover practices and processes, with newly-developed handover and action register templates for use during emergency events.
The training module is interactive and includes animations, video, and a case study to facilitate learning.
These resources complement a range of existing resources on EM-COP supporting handover processes.
Consistent application of incident action planning
EMV has not provided information on updating pre-season training content to reinforce the consistent application of incident action planning.
IGEM notes that existing incident management guidance is available to sector personnel as noted in the progress summary for FSIP1 Action 13.1. The existing 'Introduction to the Emergency Management Sector' course on EM Learning also includes guidance on incident action planning targeted at new personnel. IGEM notes that this module is unlikely to reach more experienced operational personnel to reinforce the consistent application of incident action planning.