The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in partnership with agencies engaged in state, regional and incident control centres:
a) review and update shift roster and handover processes to ensure they are procedurally consistent and support the achievement of objectives at all stages of a protracted event
b) provide training and guidance to ensure shift roster and handover processes are consistently applied in state, regional and incident control centres.
As part of the investment in training for the sector identified in the sector capability and capacity recommendation in the review report, the Victorian Government will ensure that Incident Management Team personnel are provided with the training, exercising and simulation experiences required to effectively perform their roles and apply these processes in an environment with increasing complexities and overlapping emergencies.
The progress summary for 10YOR Actions 4.4 and 4.5 outlines the development of a LRAP (Learning Reform Action Plan) by EMV and the sector. The LRAP builds on work during 2021 that assessed existing training and development provision to emergency management personnel and identified opportunities for improved provision and increased investment.
The LRAP aims to increase sector skills and build capability by focusing on five key areas:
• course development
• data sharing
• exercise and simulation delivery
• leadership, coaching and mentoring development
• Victorian Emergency Management Institute (VEMI) enhancements.
The LRAP was endorsed by the EMCCSC (Emergency Management Capability and Capacity Steering Committee) at its meeting in September 2022.
EMV has provided IGEM with documents relating to initial procurement aligned to the LRAP, including scenario-based training software, the development of exercise scenarios, and new information technology hardware for VEMI.
IGEM will continue to monitor the investment in and development of training, exercising and simulation experiences through this action. IGEM also notes that the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) 2022–25 includes an action on LRAP implementation.
IGEM has a legislated function to monitor the implementation of the SAP under section 64(1)(e) of the EM Act 2013.