The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in consultation with relevant agencies – develop a system to manage personnel and asset deployments to all tiers of incident management to meet the needs of the emergency and support the health and wellbeing of personnel.
Where appropriate and within occupational health and safety requirements, this may include:
a) standardised shift rosters across agencies and incident management tiers
b) a single or integrated platform to allow consistent recording of shift times and locations
c) records of accreditation, qualification, training and currency.
As part of the development of a contemporary emergency management operating model identified in the response to the sector capability and capacity recommendation of the Review report, EMV will:
- develop sector guidelines that optimise deployment; service delivery; employee health; and wellbeing. These guidelines will seek to enhance consistency where appropriate, while supporting an agile and diverse workforce.
The progress summary for 10YOR Action 4.3 covers the EMV-led review of Victoria’s emergency management operating model.
Specific proposals for implementation arising from the review remain under development and are subject to future consideration and approval by government. IGEM understands that there is scope for sector guidelines as envisaged by this action to be included in the proposals and will provide an update on this action in its next progress report.