The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the community and emergency management sector:
a) updates the 2012–13 State Emergency Risk Assessment to include strategic and operational elements of emergency management. This should consider:
• the place-based risk assessment development through the community emergency risk assessment process
• consequence management capability across the sector
• existing risk models for natural and human-induced hazards.
b) provides guidance and support for the sector on how to incorporate the updated risk assessment in emergency management planning, policy development, decision-making and assurance activities.
Using these Guidelines, EMV and sector partners will support regional emergency management planning committees to develop and endorse REMPs by December 2020 and municipal emergency management planning committees to update their existing MEMPs to align with reformed planning arrangements
Under the new emergency management planning arrangements, Regional Emergency Management Planning Committees (REMPCs) must produce a Regional Emergency Management Plan (REMP) that focuses on the consequences of emergencies within their region.
REMPs are required to cover mitigation, response, and recovery, and address the roles and responsibilities of agencies in relation to emergency management. Each REMP must include content that is specific to that region, without duplicating the SEMP.
REMPCs were established on an interim basis from May 2020 in anticipation of their formal legislative backing from September 2020. REMPCs comprise core membership from Victoria Police (VicPol), FRV and/or CFA (depending on the geographic footprint), Ambulance Victoria (AV), Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES), EMV, all departments (except the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)), all councils and alpine resort management boards within the region, and the Australian Red Cross. Each REMPC also includes other members relevant to its geographical footprint, including additional recovery representation, and other members as appropriate, including industry representatives.
EMV assisted the REMPCs to develop and embed their REMPs by:
- publishing guidelines issued by the minister for preparing REMPs and Municipal Emergency Management Plans (MEMPs) (refer to Action 2.3)
- facilitating an ongoing Regional Collaboration Group comprising REMPC chairs and deputy chairs to support regional-level planning and interoperability, and improve emergency management outcomes for communities
- developing regional environmental scans intended as a source of consistent, accurate contextual data and information for each REMPC.
REMP consultation occurred through REMPCs. The Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC) approved the REMPs on 18 November 2020 making them available on EMV’s website: emv.vic.gov.au/responsibilities/emergency-management-planning/remps
REMPCs will now work to develop and improve their plans in partnership with their Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs). EMV is providing continued guidance to REMPCs, and is leading a scenario test pilot project to help identify areas for improvement in their plans (refer to Action 12.3 on page 104 of IGEM's 2021 progress report). The EMC also recently issued a Statement of Intent for REMPCs to guide their operations.
EMV and sector partners will also support MEMPCs to update their existing MEMPs to align with reformed planning arrangements (refer to Action 2.5).