The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria streamlines the existing suite of work underway to identify gaps in the sector's capability and capacity to deliver a comprehensive sector-wide capability development strategy for operational and strategic personnel – including volunteers – that considers:
a) all capabilities identified through the Victorian Preparedness Framework and additional strategic emergency management capabilities
b) all capability development mechanisms (including accreditation, work-based learning, training and exercising).
EMV will work with the sector to review the emergency management operating model and will provide a report to the Victorian Government by the end of 2021 that will identify options for a future emergency management operating model, including a recommended approach. The report will consider the use, scope and functionality of current assets, systems, processes and functions in line with the Victorian Preparedness Framework.
On 30 June 2022 SCRC approved a revised due date for this action to December 2022 to enable further sector consultation. EMV’s Chief Executive Officer has approved a further revised due date for this action of June 2023.
IGEM’s 2021 progress report noted initial work on an Operating Model Review as one of four projects under the Emergency Management Reform Program led by EMV.
Since then, EMV engaged consultants to produce an Emergency Management Operating Model Review Consultation Report (November 2021). The consultation report includes findings and proposals on various aspects of Victoria’s emergency management operating model.
EMV presented stakeholder feedback on the consultation report’s findings and proposals to SCRC on 17 February 2022, in support of the premise that a more secure, reliable, and efficient model is required for Victoria’s core emergency management workforce.
Following consultation with departmental secretaries and agency heads, EMV provided a further update to SCRC on 30 June 2022. EMV plans to engage stakeholders further and deliver a position paper to SCRC in October 2022 identifying the Operating Model Review proposals to be progressed.