The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the emergency management sector – develop and implements processes to ensure greater dissemination and improved understanding of information for all Victorians, and visitors to Victoria in an emergency event. This should consider but not be exclusive to individuals who:
a) are not familiar with Victoria and its environment
b) find it difficult to understand and respond to emergency information
c) are socially or geographically isolated.
The Victorian Government will investigate options for disseminating critical information across a range of emergencies in multiple languages, building on lessons learned from both the bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic. Enhancements will improve translation capabilities (such as better pre-formed messaging and using more symbols where appropriate) and accessibility, including text-to-voice opportunities.
Refer to the progress summary for Action 17.1 for information on how EMV is addressing this action through the VicEmergency Uplift project.
In relation to the reference in this action to lessons learned from the 2019–20 Victorian bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic, IGEM positively notes that the VicEmergency Uplift project refers to Phase 1 report recommendation, reflecting the observation that communications need to be accessible to CALD communities.
In June 2022 EMV advised SCRC that the timelines for delivery of this action are dependent upon funding and the outcomes of FSIP1 Action 17.1.
IGEM will continue to monitor this action alongside FSIP1 Action 17.1 and provide an update in its next progress report.