The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria works with the emergency management sector and relevant emergency management entities in New South Wales and South Australia to identify and address key cross border operational and resource management issues. This engagement should aim to enhance interoperability and maximise the capability and capacity of agencies to work together during emergencies along Victoria's borders.
EMV will lead a sector review to ensure cohesive and consistent warnings and advice messages are broadcast along borders.
Sector review
IGEM’s 2021 progress report noted the completion of two consultants reports in June 2021:
- Cross Border Communication in Natural Disasters: Situation Report (June 2021) – provides an overview of the information needs of cross border communities and provides options for future consultation with cross border communities on communications issues.
- Cross Border Communication Literature Review (June 2021) – summarises recent relevant inquiries, research, and submissions from individuals, community groups and local government on cross border communication issues.
EMV engaged with sector partners and councils along Victoria’s borders on the review, including holding two sector workshops on cross border communications in September 2021 – one involving fire agencies from Victoria, NSW and South Australia, and the other involving state emergency services from these states.
EMV provided the Cross Border Communication in Natural Disasters: Situation Report to the Victorian Cross Border Commissioner’s office for consideration to inform future cross border MoUs.
Australian Warning System and Australian Fire Danger Rating System
IGEM notes that implementation of the new Australian Warning System and Australian Fire Danger Rating System in Victoria and neighbouring states supports the issuing of consistent warnings and advice messages to border communities.
EMV is leading the implementation of both systems in Victoria.
For more information refer to the progress summary for FSIP1 Action 12.6 and the following websites: australianwarningsystem.com.au (External link) and cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/total-fire-bans-and-ratings/about-fire-danger-ratings (External link)
Related activity
To further ensure cohesive and consistent warnings and advice messages are broadcast along borders, EMV has:
- worked with emergency management sector partners to develop the new role of Cross Border Emergency Management Liaison Officer. The key accountabilities of the role include connecting public information and public liaison teams to ensure consistency of warnings and advice, incident messaging and community information (refer to FSIP1 Action 16.3).
- led work to update the Victorian Warning Arrangements in 2021 which include considerations for issuing and managing community warnings across borders.