The Inspector-General for Emergency Management recommends that Emergency Management Victoria – in collaboration with the community and emergency management sector – develop and promote a preparedness strategy that:
• is relevant to all emergencies
• is aligned with existing, consistent and accessible preparedness message
• includes a clear, consistent and accessible preparedness message
• builds on the community preparedness work of the Australian Red Cross
• considers leading practice from other jurisdictions
EMV will work with the sector to review existing community resilience and preparedness strategies and initiatives and measure their effectiveness. The review will inform a future performance framework aligned with sector outcomes developed through the response to the Review’s sector-wide outcomes.
On 7 October 2021 SCRC approved a revised due date for this action of June 2022 due to resource constraints.
EMV has addressed this action through the ‘Enhancing strategies and initiatives to improve community safety and resilience’ project.
EMV engaged consultants to analyse the Community Resilience Framework for Emergency Management (2017) and the Community Based Emergency Management Overview (2016) alongside selected national and international community resilience and preparedness strategies and initiatives. The consultants interviewed key sector stakeholders to underpin the analysis.
The consultants identified limited evidence of the effectiveness of existing strategies and initiatives in building community safety and resilience. They recommended the development of an enhanced model and approach to better understand, enable and demonstrate changes in community resilience, based on relevant, easy to collect and measurable resilience indicators.
The progress summary for 10YOR Action 1.3 of this report provides an update on the development of the Sector Outcomes Framework, which includes outcomes and proposed outcomes indicators for individuals, communities, businesses and the emergency management sector.